I really don't understand why the recently released video of Trump being a misogynistic jackass caused such an uproar. All men say things like that because they can't control their words or actions and that's totally okay. Besides, he was only 60, and with people living longer than ever, 60 is the new 15. Even if it mattered then, it was over ten years ago so it doesn't matter now and certainly says nothing about his current character. And unlike some people, he's not responsible for anyone dying so that makes him a good person. Nah, but for real, I don't understand why the recently released video of Trump being a misogynistic jackass caused such an uproar because his views of women have been a matter of public record for quite some time. Next I suppose we'll be shocked by a video indicating that he has something against Muslims. I sometimes forget how awful it must be to be a woman in this world. I go wherever I want, whenever I want, by myself, secure in the knowledge that my chance of getting raped is so small it isn't worth thinking about ever. When some older girls in high school started a running joke of calling me sexy and hitting on me, I liked it, and when women around here occasionally catcall me out their car windows, I like it, because I know I have nothing else to worry about from them. so I forget that women always have to worry about that stuff and how to protect themselves. Trump reminded me. Whether or not he has actually assaulted anyone, his words are not merely disrespectful but symptomatic of this problem, and the fact that so many are jumping to normalize them and minimize their significance is even worse. I would like to personally punch everyone using the phrase "locker room talk" in the throat, and then justify it as "locker room behavior". Maybe being viewed as an object is a bigger deal when people also try to use you as one. I heard Evan McMullin speak in Logan the other night, and was favorably impressed that he is not a liar, a moron, or a misogynistic jackass, nor does he seem to hold many of the disgusting views (e.g. all Muslims are dangerous, climate change is a myth, poor people are poor because it's they're own fault) that made me embarrassed to call myself a conservative anymore in the first place. He candidly acknowledges that he has very little chance of winning, but his strategy is to stop either Trump or Hillary from getting the requisite number of electoral votes and then have Congress choose him because he has good relations already with the Republicans controlling it, and they obviously wouldn't choose Hillary, and then with that being the case the Democrats would much prefer him over Trump. With this strategy he could become president through an entirely legal means of bypassing the will of ninety-something percent of voters. So that would be cool. I don't even know who I'm going to vote for anymore, but I have decided that their chance of winning will no longer be a determining factor. I will be voting strictly on principle and let the chips fall where they may. I'm not responsible for how other people vote. I don't care if me not voting for Trump makes it easier for Hillary to win. The people who voted for her would be responsible for that, not me. I predict that one of two things will happen to the United States in the near future: a miracle will bring an honest and capable leader to power who will then fix many of its problems, or it will disintegrate like every other empire in the history of the world. It really just depends on what the people choose and what kind of mood God is in. Now, since I don't feel like writing much more I'll finish with someone else's words. The Wrong Side Absolutely Must Not Win |
"Guys. Chris's blog is the stuff of legends. If you’re ever looking for a good read, check this out!"
- Amelia Whitlock "I don't know how well you know Christopher Randall Nicholson, but... he's trolling. You should read his blog. It's delightful." - David Young About the AuthorC. Randall Nicholson is a white cisgender Christian male, so you can hate him without guilt, but he's also autistic and asexual, so you can't, unless you're an anti-vaxxer, in which case the feeling is mutual. This blog is where he periodically rants about life, the universe, and/or everything. Archives
September 2024