Comics by C. Randall Nicholson
After some debate, I listed these under "My Literary Creations" rather than "My Artistic Creations", because although my comics do contain some of what can be called art under the loosest of definitions, their primary purpose was to tell jokes and/or stories. Hopefully more will be posted here soon, but scanning them without cutting off the edges seems, for some reason, to be impossible.
Christopher and Rusty
Harry and Larry
Alvin and the Cracrofts
Christopher and Rusty
Harry and Larry
Alvin and the Cracrofts
Kirby the Turtle
My sixth-grade science teacher, Mrs. Thayer, had a turtle named Kirby in her classroom. We all loved him but I was his biggest fan. Here we see a glimpse of my social cluelessness - I didn't realize that human males weren't supposed to like chick flicks, so in my attempt to give human characteristics to a turtle male, I made him disappointed to miss one. Then again, maybe he just really hates Clarence. Clarence is named after this childhood toy. I completed one additional panel on the other side of the page, but it's not worth the bother of scanning. It's just the silhouettes of Kirby's and Shirby's heads against the movie screen saying "And Now Our Feature Presentation".
Andy Anteater
So... he's an anteater. And his name is Andy. Originally, as you can see, he was drawn with two mouths and two tongues. Which is actually kind of creepy if you think about it.
Boredom Busters
Both Rufus the gluttonous cat and Downboy the lazy dog (for the latter I solicited name proposals from everyone at our New Year's party) were ripoffs of Garfield. In fact, one of the punchlines below is directly plagiarized from Garfield. Maybe two of them. I'm so ashamed of my younger self. And, as you can see, I had no understanding of the war in Iraq.