Main Page: Anti-Mormonism
The Demise of Mormonism
Fun fact: The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints is not merely in constant and unstoppable decline but has actually been dead many times over for nearly two centuries, as these quotes (from people far more famous than Joseph Smith) clearly document. (Note: Some of these have been edited for length and because I don't feel the need to regurgitate criticisms that can be found on hundreds of other websites.)
"Since the church [in Colesville, New York] was formed, which was some time in July, about twenty have gathered around their standard, and have subscribed themselves to be the followers [of] Christ; for they call themselves a church of Christ, and the only church of Christ.... It is believed, however, they have [atta]ined to about the zenith of their glory in this place. Their books remain unsold; except here and there an individual, none will buy them. It is thought the great speculation, which they probably anticipated, will prove a losing business." - John Sherer to Absalom Peters, November 18, 1830
"With its authors, the Book of Mormon cannot survive this generation. The next will remember it, only to smile at the credulity of the present." - Ohio Atlas, December 6, 1832
"I cannot believe that Joseph will ever sanction such a doctrine [as polygamy], and should the Mormons in any way engraft such an article on their religion, the sect would surely fall to pieces, for what community or State could harbor such outrageous immorality?"" - Charlotte Haven, September 8, 1843
"Joseph Smith, the Mormon Prophet is dead. Thus ends Mormonism." - New York Weekly Herald, July 8, 1844
"Thus fell Joe Smith, the most successful impostor in modern times; a man who, though ignorant and coarse, had some great natural parts which fitted him for temporary success, but which were so obscured and counteracted by the inherent corruption and vices of his nature that he never could succeed in establishing a system of policy which looked to permanent success in the future." - Thomas Ford, A History of Illinois: From Its Commencement as a State in 1818 to 1847, 1854, p. 249
"The Mormon rulers take great pains to have it believed that their community is continually and rapidly increasing. This, however, is a very great mistake. There has always been a curious state of accumulation and loss going on with them, and the loss is at present probably the largest part of the account. There is no society in the world in which there are so few permanent members, in proportion to the converts originally made. Many of the newborn Saints very soon lose the soda-water enthusiasm which is first experienced, and fall away; many, who have zeal enough to commence the mighty pilgrimage toward the modern Zion, cool off, and lodge like drift-wood by the way. Each emigrating body tapers off, something like the army of Peter the Hermit in the first great crusade... [Mormonism is like] a miniature whirlwind upon a dusty plain [which grows swiftly] until it somewhat suddenly subsides... it needs no great degree of prophet-sagacity to foresee its subsidence in like manner." - Benjamin Ferris, 1856
"Once the general detestation and hatred pervading the whole country against the Mormons is given legal countenance and direction, a crusade will start against Utah which will crush out this beast of heresy forever." - San Francisco Daily Evening Bulletin, 1857
"While [Brigham Young] remains, eighty thousand (and increasing) of the most heterogeneous souls that could be swept together from the byways of Christendom will continue builded up into a coherent nationality. The instant he crumbles, Mormondom and Mormonism will fall to pieces at once, irreparably." - Fitz-Hugh Ludlow, The Atlantic, April 1864
"The click of the telegraph and the roll of the Overland stage are its [Mormonism’s] death rattle now. The first whistle of the locomotive will sound its requiem; and the pickaxe of the miner will dig its grave." - Samuel Bowles, The North American Review, April 1866
"Though it would be rash to assume that Mormonism is dead, it would be equally rash to believe it can survive, for any extended period, the death of its great leader [Brigham Young]." - Indianapolis Sentinel, 1877
"The Mormon church was stronger at four o'clock Sunday afternoon than it ever will again become; the remarkable will and organizing force of the dead leader [Brigham Young] departed with him, and have been transmitted to none other in his church; and we may now watch with complacency, if not with joy, the gradual disintegration of the whole Mormon fabric." - Salt Lake Tribune, 1877
"I tell you Mormonism is one great surge of licentiousness; it is the seraglio of the Republic, it is the concentrated corruption of this land, it is the brothel of the nation, it is hell enthroned. This miserable corpse of Mormonism has been rotting in the sun, and rotting and rotting for forty years, and the United States Government has not had the courage to bury it." - Reverend T. DeWitt Talmage, 1880
"I think Mormonism is doomed, sooner or later - the sooner the better... this foul blot upon our civilization shall be known only as a horrid night mare [sic] of the past - this 'hideous she monster' shall retire to the black caverns of hell from which she came. God grant it may be so!" - Reverend Edgar Estes Folk, The Mormon Monster, 1900
"Most important of all would be the political redemption of Utah. This, it would seem, could be accomplished by encouraging the influx of Gentile population - by guiding thither educated immigrants from foreign shores and homeseekers of our own land. In the course of two decades the Mormon ascendancy would be destroyed; existing laws, which are ample, could be enforced; and the great octopus, shorn of its political power, would be obliged to assume its proper station among the ranting sects that come and go and are forgotten - dead sea fruit of ashes, which reason at last will scatter to the winds." - George Seibel, The Mormon Saints: The Story of Joseph Smith, His Golden Bible, and the Church He Founded, 1919, p. 102
Not much seems to be said for a few decades. Either the Church made a brief recovery, or its demise was so obvious that people didn't bother to point it out.
"Personally, I believe the next decade will see major shifts in policy and doctrine in a futile attempt to keep the Morg alive. The Old Timer GA's are still stuck in their ways and thought patterns they developed in their twenties and thirties. This inflexible calcified spirituality is killing the body of the Church." - Steven Clark, December 8, 2002
"The Mormon Church is vulnerable. We firmly believe that with enough exposure, Mormonism will crumble and become a shadow of what it is today." – letter of instruction to distributors of “Search for the Truth” DVD, 2007
"Dear Friends, Darlington is asking Christians from the United States and the United Kingdom to help the AEMF [African Exmormon Foundation] to STOP the growth of Mormonism in Liberia; where the Church already has 5,000 members and is growing extremely rapidly via their huge missionary force in Liberia. Darlington needs your financial help in order to print tracts and place articles in Liberian newspapers! Can you help him by sending him $30 a month, or $30 as a one-time gift?" - Darlington W. Gbee, circa 2008
"They [the General Authorities] know that one major publication (popular movie; popular book etc) could be the 'tipping point' which could send 75% of the membership to abandon the Corporation and its lies (eg when RLDS admitted Book of Abraham is fake and BOM is probably plagiarized membership dropped by 75%) the trickle is becoming a torrent, the dyke is about to burst." - name withheld, letter to Utah Lighthouse Ministries, 2010
"Of the twenty countries providing the highest growth for the Mormon Church in 2009, ten were in Africa and five were in the Caribbean. The Mormon Church, in terms of overall claimable membership numbers, is slowly grinding to a halt. Then it will begin its inevitable decline. Nevertheless, many Mormons still believe the myth that their Church is the fastest growing Church in the world and to date, whilst the Church itself has never actually claimed this, it has also done little of anything to correct the perception and many missionaries still seem inclined to teach their investigators that it is." - Jean Bodie, January 25, 2011
It's unclear why Jean Bodie seems to think that African and Caribbean countries don't count. I'm sure she's not racist at all.
"'An American Fraud,' is an historically significant work that calls out the most insidious fraud of American culture for what it is. It is a timeless masterpiece, and will be associated with the beginning of the end of Mormonism in years to come." - Park Romney, July 2011
"THIS RECENT ARCHAEOLOGICAL DISCOVERY IS TRIGGERING THE COLLAPSE OF MORMONISM GLOBALLY. Since the book of Abraham is a Fraud, how can they trust the book of Mormon or Joseph Smith? They can't. (As a result, millions are abandoning the Mormon Church and returning to biblical truth.)" - "prffsrx", YouTube, September 7, 2011
"I will be content, when not only the LDS faith is but a mere footnote in our worlds [sic] history, as well as all organized religion and dogmatic practice. It is the plague of mankind; It [sic] is made to pull the wool over your eyes!" - "LD", Facebook, May 22, 2012
"As the OP states the 'smoking guns' are already out there. They cannot get educated converts because any investigator with sense will google [sic] mormon and the game will be up. Immigrants seeking social interaction and possibly welfare assistance are all they will be getting in the affluent countries. They can get any number of baptisms they want in places like Africa but that is a net cost to them. Their real problem comes when TBMs turn on them or just stop paying tithing. Jesus Smith and wine country girl have mentioned some issues that will cause this. The Chris Ralph type letter will bring them to account eventually. And, as Jesus Smith knows, there is more to come. I prophesy, in the honorable name of Jesus Smith, that 2013 will be the beginning of the 'Mormon Apocalypse'. The gig is up." - Tom Phillips, January 3, 2013
"Big changes in Mormondom are always desperate acts. They don' [sic] change unless compelled to. All these things mean are that they realize they are at a tipping point. They have peaked out, and they are terrified of the view from the top of the roller coaster." - "rationalguy", June 21, 2013
"I'm so glad to hear this! Hopefully this [fraudulent lawsuit by McKenna Denson] is the beginning of the end for this despicable organization and all of its coverups, political meddling and extensive abuses." - Jen Mattson Stewart, Facebook, April 4, 2018
"Day by day there are more people leaving the Mormon sect... Why would this be??? Yes. It is thanks to those like me that teach the truths about Mormonism... [redacted] is very useful when explaining to one that wants to leave the sect how he can easily do it. [Redacted] has all the data regarding the number of members of the Mormon sect... And let me tell you with great happiness... Every day there are many who leave the sect. Little by little I will continue destroying the Mormon sect." - Ezequiel Cortez, Facebook, April 15, 2018 (translated from Spanish)
"[L]ook up the stats on the decline of Mormonism overall. As of now, the only area growing is the African areas [sic] where information is limited. People are starting to question their Mormon origins and finding out the bitter truth of its falsehood. Today, men are increasingly falling out of the religion. Also, note, the church uses stats that are very weighted in an unfair way... It’s terrifyingly grotesque how false their information really is from todays [sic] stats all the way to [the] falsehood of Joseph Smith’s power induced hunger for crazy shit that got him kicked out of a state. Also, the religion is on something like a 30% decline over the past 20 years (heavily in the male department) so it’s becoming apparent that more and more people are seeing the insanity of their profit er.. prophet.. like tendencies." - Nathan Bolton, Facebook, December 4, 2018
"You're on the losing team man, I sure hope you're not one of the last to figure it out before the church looks just like the Community of Christ." - Peter Shirtz, Facebook, July 8, 2021
You can't argue with the experts, can you?
Main Page: Anti-Mormonism
"Since the church [in Colesville, New York] was formed, which was some time in July, about twenty have gathered around their standard, and have subscribed themselves to be the followers [of] Christ; for they call themselves a church of Christ, and the only church of Christ.... It is believed, however, they have [atta]ined to about the zenith of their glory in this place. Their books remain unsold; except here and there an individual, none will buy them. It is thought the great speculation, which they probably anticipated, will prove a losing business." - John Sherer to Absalom Peters, November 18, 1830
"With its authors, the Book of Mormon cannot survive this generation. The next will remember it, only to smile at the credulity of the present." - Ohio Atlas, December 6, 1832
"I cannot believe that Joseph will ever sanction such a doctrine [as polygamy], and should the Mormons in any way engraft such an article on their religion, the sect would surely fall to pieces, for what community or State could harbor such outrageous immorality?"" - Charlotte Haven, September 8, 1843
"Joseph Smith, the Mormon Prophet is dead. Thus ends Mormonism." - New York Weekly Herald, July 8, 1844
"Thus fell Joe Smith, the most successful impostor in modern times; a man who, though ignorant and coarse, had some great natural parts which fitted him for temporary success, but which were so obscured and counteracted by the inherent corruption and vices of his nature that he never could succeed in establishing a system of policy which looked to permanent success in the future." - Thomas Ford, A History of Illinois: From Its Commencement as a State in 1818 to 1847, 1854, p. 249
"The Mormon rulers take great pains to have it believed that their community is continually and rapidly increasing. This, however, is a very great mistake. There has always been a curious state of accumulation and loss going on with them, and the loss is at present probably the largest part of the account. There is no society in the world in which there are so few permanent members, in proportion to the converts originally made. Many of the newborn Saints very soon lose the soda-water enthusiasm which is first experienced, and fall away; many, who have zeal enough to commence the mighty pilgrimage toward the modern Zion, cool off, and lodge like drift-wood by the way. Each emigrating body tapers off, something like the army of Peter the Hermit in the first great crusade... [Mormonism is like] a miniature whirlwind upon a dusty plain [which grows swiftly] until it somewhat suddenly subsides... it needs no great degree of prophet-sagacity to foresee its subsidence in like manner." - Benjamin Ferris, 1856
"Once the general detestation and hatred pervading the whole country against the Mormons is given legal countenance and direction, a crusade will start against Utah which will crush out this beast of heresy forever." - San Francisco Daily Evening Bulletin, 1857
"While [Brigham Young] remains, eighty thousand (and increasing) of the most heterogeneous souls that could be swept together from the byways of Christendom will continue builded up into a coherent nationality. The instant he crumbles, Mormondom and Mormonism will fall to pieces at once, irreparably." - Fitz-Hugh Ludlow, The Atlantic, April 1864
"The click of the telegraph and the roll of the Overland stage are its [Mormonism’s] death rattle now. The first whistle of the locomotive will sound its requiem; and the pickaxe of the miner will dig its grave." - Samuel Bowles, The North American Review, April 1866
"Though it would be rash to assume that Mormonism is dead, it would be equally rash to believe it can survive, for any extended period, the death of its great leader [Brigham Young]." - Indianapolis Sentinel, 1877
"The Mormon church was stronger at four o'clock Sunday afternoon than it ever will again become; the remarkable will and organizing force of the dead leader [Brigham Young] departed with him, and have been transmitted to none other in his church; and we may now watch with complacency, if not with joy, the gradual disintegration of the whole Mormon fabric." - Salt Lake Tribune, 1877
"I tell you Mormonism is one great surge of licentiousness; it is the seraglio of the Republic, it is the concentrated corruption of this land, it is the brothel of the nation, it is hell enthroned. This miserable corpse of Mormonism has been rotting in the sun, and rotting and rotting for forty years, and the United States Government has not had the courage to bury it." - Reverend T. DeWitt Talmage, 1880
"I think Mormonism is doomed, sooner or later - the sooner the better... this foul blot upon our civilization shall be known only as a horrid night mare [sic] of the past - this 'hideous she monster' shall retire to the black caverns of hell from which she came. God grant it may be so!" - Reverend Edgar Estes Folk, The Mormon Monster, 1900
"Most important of all would be the political redemption of Utah. This, it would seem, could be accomplished by encouraging the influx of Gentile population - by guiding thither educated immigrants from foreign shores and homeseekers of our own land. In the course of two decades the Mormon ascendancy would be destroyed; existing laws, which are ample, could be enforced; and the great octopus, shorn of its political power, would be obliged to assume its proper station among the ranting sects that come and go and are forgotten - dead sea fruit of ashes, which reason at last will scatter to the winds." - George Seibel, The Mormon Saints: The Story of Joseph Smith, His Golden Bible, and the Church He Founded, 1919, p. 102
Not much seems to be said for a few decades. Either the Church made a brief recovery, or its demise was so obvious that people didn't bother to point it out.
"Personally, I believe the next decade will see major shifts in policy and doctrine in a futile attempt to keep the Morg alive. The Old Timer GA's are still stuck in their ways and thought patterns they developed in their twenties and thirties. This inflexible calcified spirituality is killing the body of the Church." - Steven Clark, December 8, 2002
"The Mormon Church is vulnerable. We firmly believe that with enough exposure, Mormonism will crumble and become a shadow of what it is today." – letter of instruction to distributors of “Search for the Truth” DVD, 2007
"Dear Friends, Darlington is asking Christians from the United States and the United Kingdom to help the AEMF [African Exmormon Foundation] to STOP the growth of Mormonism in Liberia; where the Church already has 5,000 members and is growing extremely rapidly via their huge missionary force in Liberia. Darlington needs your financial help in order to print tracts and place articles in Liberian newspapers! Can you help him by sending him $30 a month, or $30 as a one-time gift?" - Darlington W. Gbee, circa 2008
"They [the General Authorities] know that one major publication (popular movie; popular book etc) could be the 'tipping point' which could send 75% of the membership to abandon the Corporation and its lies (eg when RLDS admitted Book of Abraham is fake and BOM is probably plagiarized membership dropped by 75%) the trickle is becoming a torrent, the dyke is about to burst." - name withheld, letter to Utah Lighthouse Ministries, 2010
"Of the twenty countries providing the highest growth for the Mormon Church in 2009, ten were in Africa and five were in the Caribbean. The Mormon Church, in terms of overall claimable membership numbers, is slowly grinding to a halt. Then it will begin its inevitable decline. Nevertheless, many Mormons still believe the myth that their Church is the fastest growing Church in the world and to date, whilst the Church itself has never actually claimed this, it has also done little of anything to correct the perception and many missionaries still seem inclined to teach their investigators that it is." - Jean Bodie, January 25, 2011
It's unclear why Jean Bodie seems to think that African and Caribbean countries don't count. I'm sure she's not racist at all.
"'An American Fraud,' is an historically significant work that calls out the most insidious fraud of American culture for what it is. It is a timeless masterpiece, and will be associated with the beginning of the end of Mormonism in years to come." - Park Romney, July 2011
"THIS RECENT ARCHAEOLOGICAL DISCOVERY IS TRIGGERING THE COLLAPSE OF MORMONISM GLOBALLY. Since the book of Abraham is a Fraud, how can they trust the book of Mormon or Joseph Smith? They can't. (As a result, millions are abandoning the Mormon Church and returning to biblical truth.)" - "prffsrx", YouTube, September 7, 2011
"I will be content, when not only the LDS faith is but a mere footnote in our worlds [sic] history, as well as all organized religion and dogmatic practice. It is the plague of mankind; It [sic] is made to pull the wool over your eyes!" - "LD", Facebook, May 22, 2012
"As the OP states the 'smoking guns' are already out there. They cannot get educated converts because any investigator with sense will google [sic] mormon and the game will be up. Immigrants seeking social interaction and possibly welfare assistance are all they will be getting in the affluent countries. They can get any number of baptisms they want in places like Africa but that is a net cost to them. Their real problem comes when TBMs turn on them or just stop paying tithing. Jesus Smith and wine country girl have mentioned some issues that will cause this. The Chris Ralph type letter will bring them to account eventually. And, as Jesus Smith knows, there is more to come. I prophesy, in the honorable name of Jesus Smith, that 2013 will be the beginning of the 'Mormon Apocalypse'. The gig is up." - Tom Phillips, January 3, 2013
"Big changes in Mormondom are always desperate acts. They don' [sic] change unless compelled to. All these things mean are that they realize they are at a tipping point. They have peaked out, and they are terrified of the view from the top of the roller coaster." - "rationalguy", June 21, 2013
"I'm so glad to hear this! Hopefully this [fraudulent lawsuit by McKenna Denson] is the beginning of the end for this despicable organization and all of its coverups, political meddling and extensive abuses." - Jen Mattson Stewart, Facebook, April 4, 2018
"Day by day there are more people leaving the Mormon sect... Why would this be??? Yes. It is thanks to those like me that teach the truths about Mormonism... [redacted] is very useful when explaining to one that wants to leave the sect how he can easily do it. [Redacted] has all the data regarding the number of members of the Mormon sect... And let me tell you with great happiness... Every day there are many who leave the sect. Little by little I will continue destroying the Mormon sect." - Ezequiel Cortez, Facebook, April 15, 2018 (translated from Spanish)
"[L]ook up the stats on the decline of Mormonism overall. As of now, the only area growing is the African areas [sic] where information is limited. People are starting to question their Mormon origins and finding out the bitter truth of its falsehood. Today, men are increasingly falling out of the religion. Also, note, the church uses stats that are very weighted in an unfair way... It’s terrifyingly grotesque how false their information really is from todays [sic] stats all the way to [the] falsehood of Joseph Smith’s power induced hunger for crazy shit that got him kicked out of a state. Also, the religion is on something like a 30% decline over the past 20 years (heavily in the male department) so it’s becoming apparent that more and more people are seeing the insanity of their profit er.. prophet.. like tendencies." - Nathan Bolton, Facebook, December 4, 2018
"You're on the losing team man, I sure hope you're not one of the last to figure it out before the church looks just like the Community of Christ." - Peter Shirtz, Facebook, July 8, 2021
You can't argue with the experts, can you?
Main Page: Anti-Mormonism