Please Don't Stop the Music: My Chronological Spotify Playlists
This project started with the eighties, and then because I kept getting frustrated by not being able to add songs from the seventies or the nineties, it escalated from there. It functions both as a compendium of every song I like or love that's available on Spotify and as a combined time capsule and love letter to humanity, a swathe of culture from a tiny slice of history on this pale blue dot. I've made a great effort to include songs from as many nations and languages as possible. I realize it's egotistical to expect anyone else to care about my music taste, but after all the hours of work I've put into these playlists compared to the amount of time I'll actually have to listen to them before I die, I really hope other people will discover and enjoy them too.
The 90s: Music's Primordial Ooze
The 00s: Music's Great-Grandparents
The 10s: Melodies of a Bygone Era
The 20s: Roaring Soundwaves
The 30s: Resonance in Depression
The 40s: Echoes of Elegance
The 50s: Mid-Century Melodies
The 60s: Revolution in Rhythms
The 70s: Bad Time, Good Music
The 80s: Music's Best Decade
The 90s: Music's Millenial Memories
The 00s: Aughts Anthems Aloud
The 10s: Digital Dreams, Vinyl Vistas
The 20s: Another Decade of Music