Childish Scraps
Trust me. When I'm world famous, these will seem incredible.
It all started when my mother got me "The Official Pokémon Handbook" from the school book order while Pokémon craze was sweeping the juvenile community. These were the early days when there were still only 150 of them. Anyway, I found Pokémon intriguing but decided I could improve on them, so I created my own rip-offs called "Factchers". Their tagline was "Kind of like Pokémon but even better". Hey, at least I was more honest about it than the creators of Digimon. At times I endeavored to convince my sister, friends, and complete strangers that Factchers were, in fact, real. Sometimes when I was hating church I fantasized about creating my own religion ("wurch" instead of "church") to worship Factchers, complete with testimony meetings and stuff. (In one fantasy my future wife bore her testimony about how I had figured out everything about Factchers without ever seeing them.) I even rewrote some hymns and scripture verses, making such replacements as "Golden Power" for priesthood and a mighty Factcher named "Fod" for God. I'm glad I was young and stupid enough to be forgiven for my blasphemy.